A concise code is necessarily
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:33:35
A data dictionary is usually developed
1.At requirements specification phase
2.During feasibility analysis
3.When DFD is developed
4.When a datadase is designed
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:29:28
A data element in a data dictionary may have
1.only integer value
2.no value
3.only real value
4.only decimal value
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:32:43
A modulus-17 check will detect single transcription errors in
1.alphanumeric codes
2.hexadecimal codes
3.decimal numerical codes
4.serial number codes
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:33:57
A pilot can fly three types of planes and a plane can be piloted by any qualified pilot. The pilot-plane type relationship is
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:41:45
A relation is
1.an entity
2.a relationship
3.members of a relationship set
4.members of an entity set or a relationship set
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:40:53
A relation is said to be in 1NF if
1.there is no duplication of data
2.there are no composite attributes in the relation
3.there are only a few composite attributes
4.all attributes are of uniform type
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:57:59
A relationship is
1.an item in an application
2.a meaningful dependency between entities
3.a collection of related entities
4.related data
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:37:27
A second Normal Form (2 NF) relation should
1.be in 1 NF
2.not have a composite key
3.not have attributes dependent on key attribute
4.not have attributes dependent on one another
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:41:38
A student can take not more than 5 subjects in a semester. The number of students allowed in a subject in a semester is not more than 40. The student - subject relationship is:
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:38:20
A third Normal Form (3 NF) relation should
1.be in 2 NF
2.not have complete key
3.not be 1 NF
4.should not have non-key attributes depend on key attribute
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:54:03
An appropriate range check for marks in an examination paper whose maximum marks 100 is
2.0 to 100
3.- 99 to +99
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:34:23
An appropriate range check for month field in a date is
2.-12 to 12
3.1 to 12
4.0 to 12
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:36:03
An appropriate range check of age of a tenth standard student in a high school is
1.5 to 15
2.10 to 25
3.8 to 20
4.3 to 18
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:34:47
An E-R modelling for given application leads to
1.conceptual data model
2.logical data model
3.external data model
4.internal data model
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:56:25
An entity is
1.a collection of items in an application
2.a distinct real world item in an application
3.an inanimate object in an application
4.a data structure
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:37:27
BCNF is needed because
1.otherwise tuples may be duplicated
2.when a data is deleted tuples may be lost
3.updating is otherwise difficult
4.when there is dependent attributes in two possible composite keys one of the attributes is unnecessarily duplicated in the tuples
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:55:23
Boye Codd Normal Form (BCNF) is needed when
1.two non-key attributes are dependent
2.there is more then one possible composite key
3.there are two or more possible composite overlapping keys and one attribute of a composite key is dependent on an attribute of another composite key
4.there are two possible keys and they are dependent on one another
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:58:26
By data independence we mean application programs
1.do not need data
2.may be developed independent of data
3.may be developed without knowing the organization of data
4.may be developed with independent data
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:39:57
By data security in DBMS we mean
1.preventing access to data
2.allowing access to data only to authorized users
3.preventing changing data
4.introducing integrity constraints
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:40:20
By the term "concise code” we understand that the code
1.conveys information on item being coded
2.is of small length
3.can add new item easily
4.includes all relevant characteristics of item being coded
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:30:44
By the term "expandable code" we understand that the code
1.conveys information on item being coded
2.is of small length
3.can add new item easily
4.includes all relevant characteristics of item being coded
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:30:21
Design of error detecting codes requires good
1.knowledge of mathematics
2.statistical mechanics
3.statistics of errors normally committed during data entry
4.Boolean algebra
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:36:33
Errors in codes are detected by
1.proper design of code
2.introducing redundant digits/characters designed to detect errors
3.making the code concise
4.making the code precise
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:31:06
For modulus-11 check digit to detect a single transposition errors the
1.weights should all be distinct
2.weights may all be equal and > 0
3.weights should be less than 8
4.weights should all be > 0 and distinct
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:36:58
For modulus-11 check digit to detect single transposition or single transcription error the number of digits in the codes should not exceed
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:31:57
If a field is known to represent an angle of a triangle, radix used to check should be
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:31:33
If a field is known to represent days of a month, radix used to check should be
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:32:19
If an entity appears in only one relationship then it is
1.a 1:1 relationship
2.a 1:N relationship
3.a N:1 relationship
4.a N:M relationship
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:57:36
In an E-R diagram entities are represented by
3.diamond shaped box
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:37:57
In an E-R diagram relationship is represented by
3.diamond shaped box
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:57:09
In interactive data input a template is normally used to
1.enter new data
2.add/delete data
3.select one out of many alternatives often by a mouse click
4.detect errors in data input
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:33:13
In interactive data input terminal commands are normally used to
1.enter new data
2.add/delete data
3.select one out of many alternatives often by a mouse click
4.detect errors in data input
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:35:14
Modulus-11 check digit for the code 85672 is
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:35:36
Normalization is a process of restructuring a relation to
1.minimize duplication of data in a database
2.maximize duplication of data to ensure reliability
3.make it of uniform size
4.allow addition of data
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:41:16
One entity may be
1.related to only one other entity
2.related to itself
3.related to only two other entities
4.related to many other entities
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:37:52
One of the main objectives of a DBMS is to
1.Create a database for an organization
2.Facilitate sharing of a database by current and future applications
3.Allow sharing application programs
4.Replace file based systems
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:58:49
Pick the meaningful relationship between entities
1.vendor supplies goods
2.vendor talks with customers
3.vendor complains to vendor
4.vendor asks prices
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:56:48
Pick the relationship from the following:
1.a classroom
4.cost per dozen
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:41:00
Rows of a relation are called
2.a relation row
3.a data structure
4.an entity
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:38:25
TEACHES-COURSES relation in Mini-case example 2 is in
1.3 NF. Does not need any further normalization
3.4 NF
4.unnormalized form
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:55:48
The abbreviation DBMS stands for
1.Data Base Manipulation System
2.Data Bank Manipulating System
3.Data Base Management System
4.Data Bank Management System
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:39:51
The expansion of E-R diagram is
1.Entity-Relationship diagram
2.Entity-Relative diagram
3.Entity-Relation diagram
4.Entity-Rationalized diagram
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:41:21
The number of normal forms which has been proposed and discussed in the book are
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:53:14
The ORDER PLACED FOR relation in Mini-case example 1 has the composite key order no, item code because
1.item code has a multivalued dependency with order no.
2.the non-key attributes are dependent on the composite key order no, item code
3.if order no is the only key we cannot find qty. ordered, price/unit, delivery time
4.if item code is the only key we cannot find order no. uniquely
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:39:33
The process of normalization
1.is automatic using a computer program
2.requires one to understand dependency between attributes
3.is manual and requires semantic information
4.is finding the key of a relation
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:38:45
The relation given in Exercise 10.4.4 may be converted to 1 NF relation by
1.eliminating composite attributes
2.eliminating common attributes
3.duplicating common attributes as many times as lines in corresponding attributes
4.putting composite attributes in a separate table
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 05:38:58
The relation SUPPLIES in Mini-case example 1 of Section 10.10 requires normalization because
1.it has a composite key with three attributes
2.the non-key attributes are dependent on part of composite key
3.the attributes item code and order no of the composite key have multivalued dependency
4.vendor code and order no have a multivalued dependency
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:39:24
The sequence followed in designing a DBMS are
1.physical model conceptual model logical model
2.logical model physical model conceptual model
3.conceptual model logical model physical model
4.conceptual model physical model logical model
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:40:39
When a logical model is mapped into a physical storage such as a disk store the resultant data model is known as
1.conceptual data model
2.external data model
3.internal data model
4.disk data model
Posted Date:-2021-12-09 07:40:16