MBA/MBA System Analysis and Design Mcq Set 2 Sample Test,Sample questions

A feasibility study is carried out

1.after final requirements specifications are drawn up

2.during the period when requirements specifications are drawn up

3.before the final requirements specifications are drawn up any time

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:10:34

All information required can be gathered in interview

2.two interviews

3.several interviews

4.several interviews and group discussions

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:23:00

Among information gathering methods, interviewing is essential as gives an opportunity to question the interviewees and clarify details and doubts the analyst may have can be easily arranged is recommended by senior analysts is necessary to meet everyone in the organization

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:22:03

An organization requests an information system to be designed when

1.there is a change in management is dissatisfied with the current system as it does not meet their information requirement

3.the current system has been working for 2 years software tools are introduced in the market

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:16:23

Changing an operational information system is


2.expensive and done selectively

3.never required

4.usually done

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:06:47

Data flow diagrams are developed by analyst


3.system designers

4.users and managers of an organization

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:14:31

Data flow diagrams are usually developed during

1.system design phase

2.feasibility study

3.implementation phase analysis phase

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:19:03

Document flow diagrams are developed by analyst


3.system designers

4.users and managers of an organization

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:21:39

Document Flow Diagrams are used to depict and when documents flow in the organization

2.various offices/entities of an organization and the documents as well as physical items which flow between these entities

3.what documents flow in an organization documents are generated and flow in an organization

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:13:50

Document flow diagrams are usually developed during

1.System design phase

2.Feasibility study

3.Implementation phase

4.Fact gathering phase

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:18:43

During interviews an analyst must

1.gather information on user requirements, procedures and practices

2.tell the user what is good for organization

3.tell the user how to run the organization

4.tell the user what is wrong with the organization

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:19:28

Final specifications are drawn up by

1.system analyst in consultation with the management of the organization

2.the managers of user organization

3.system analyst in consultation with programmers

4.system designers along with users

Posted Date:-2021-12-08 23:27:44

Hardware study is carried out

1.after the final system is specified the requirements specification stage

3.before the requirements are specified

4.whenever management decides it is necessary

Posted Date:-2021-12-08 23:23:45

In a document flow diagram a dashed line with an arrow depict

1.flow of documents

2.control flow

3.flow of materials flow.

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:14:10

In a document flow diagram a solid line with an arrow depicts

1.flow of documents

2.control flow

3.flow of materials flow.

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:20:17

In a document flow diagram arrows are necessary to depict documents flow

2.direction of flow of documents

3.when documents flow

4.whether documents flow or not

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:16:47

In a document flow diagram entities are represented by


2.rectangles with rounded edges

3.diamond shaped boxes


Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:21:08

In order to understand the working of an organization for which a computer based system is being designed, an analyst must

1.look at only current work and document flow in the organization

2.discuss with top level and middle level management only

3.interview top, middle, line managers and also clerks who will enter data and use the system

4.only clerical and middle level staff who have long experience in the organization and will be users of the system

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:09:18

Information is gathered by a system analyst in order to

1.find out whether a computer based system is required

2.find out how the organization works

3.find out how the current system works and what is expected from a new computer based system

4.find out who will use the system

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:14:55

Information is gathered for computerization during

1.requirements determination phase design phase

3.implementation phase

4.feasibility phase

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:12:54

Initial requirements specification is

1.not changed till the end of the project

2.continuously changed during project implementation

3.only a rough indication of the requirement

4.changed and finalized after feasibility study

Posted Date:-2021-12-08 23:25:55

Interviews are essential to gather

1.quantitative information

2.qualitative information

3.facts and figures

4.statistical information

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:13:22

It is good idea for a system analyst define the objectives of the information system tell the users what the objectives should be let the user formulate the objectives of the information system being designed

4.not to worry about the objective during the interviews

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:15:39

It is necessary to carry out a feasibility study as management can not ensure that a project is feasible before calling a system analyst management is not sure what they want from the system

3.even though top management is in favor of the system, technology may not be mature for implementation

4.all organizations do it

Posted Date:-2021-12-08 23:23:00

It is necessary to consult the following while drawing up requirement specification

1.only top managers

2.only top and middle management

3.only top, middle and operational managers, middle and operational managers and also all who will use the system

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:07:36

It is necessary to design an information system to easily accommodate change, because computers are introduced every year computer languages become popular every year

3.organizations' requirements change over a period of time need continuous debugging

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:12:34

It is necessary to gather

1.quantitative information only as qualitative information is usually biased

2.both qualitative and quantitative information

3.qualitative information only as it is easily available

4.qualitative information only as quantitative information is usually not correct

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:17:51

It is necessary to interview top level managers as the first step in information gathering

1.otherwise you will not get cooperation

2.they can give you an overview of the organization and specify objectives of the system

3.they are usually not available

4.the number of persons to be interviewed at top level is small

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:15:17

It is necessary to prioritize information requirements of an organization at the requirements determination phase as is always good to prioritize

2.there are conflicting demands from users

3.there are constraints on budgets, available time, human resource and requirement

4.all good organization do it

Posted Date:-2021-12-08 23:25:22

Managers in organizations should not design their own systems as have to interact with other systems

2.they do not have the special skills necessary to design systems is not their job

4.they are always very busy

Posted Date:-2021-12-08 23:24:58

Sending questionnaires are the good means of gathering

1.quantitative data

2.qualitative data

3.both quantitative and qualitative data from top management

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:16:03

System approval criteria are specified

1.when the final specifications are drawn up

2.during feasibility study

3.during the requirements specifications stage

4.during system study stage

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:12:11

System design is carried out soon as system requirements are determined

2.whenever a system analyst feels it is urgent

3.after final system specifications are approved by the organization

4.whenever the user management feels it should be done

Posted Date:-2021-12-08 23:26:19

System evaluation is carried out

1.after the system has been operational for a reasonable time

2.during system implementation

3.whenever managers of user organization want it

4.whenever operational staff want it

Posted Date:-2021-12-08 23:24:10

System Requirements Specification is developed by

1.users of the proposed system level managers of an organization

3.examining the functioning of similar organizations analyst after information gathering phase in consultation with users

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:20:46

System test plan is specified

1.when the final specifications are drawn up

2.during feasibility study

3.during the requirements specifications stage

4.during system study stage

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:09:41

The expansion of SRS is

1.System Requirements Specification

2.System Resources Statement

3.Statement of Reliability of System

4.Standard Requirements Statement

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:19:55

The final specifications are arrived at

1.after feasibility study

2.during feasibility study

3.just before implementation phase

4.when the system is being designed

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:11:24

The main goal of arriving at a final specification is tell the organization's managers how the system will function tell the organization's managers what the proposed system will achieve in a language understood by them compute the cost of implementing the system assist in designing the system

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:08:51

The main objective of feasibility study is assess whether it is possible to meet the requirements specifications assess if it is possible to meet the requirements specified subject to constraints of budget, human resource and hardware assist the management in implementing the desired system remove bottlenecks in implementing the desired system

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:11:01

The main objective of system evaluation is see whether the system met specification improve the system based on operational experience for a period remove bugs in the programs asses the efficiency of the system

Posted Date:-2021-12-08 23:26:40

The main objective of system modification is use the latest software tools meet the user's new/changed needs use the latest hardware have the most modern system

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:10:11

The main objective of System Requirements Specification is to

1.enable a systems analyst to satisfy himself and the user that they have mutually understand the user's information requirements

2.write down the requirements clearly

3.estimate the cost of developing the system make sure that it is possible to develop the system

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:22:28

The most difficult information to gather in an organization is

1.that which is known to only few persons in an organization

2.that which is not written down in an organizational manuals confidential information

4.what is consumed as obvious by the managers in an organization

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:17:12

The most important attribute of a systems analyst is

1.excellent programming skills

2.very good hardware designing skills

3.very good technical management skills

4.very good writing skills

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:07:11

The primary objective of system design is to the programs, databases and test plan only user interfaces

3.implement the system

4.find out how the system will perform

Posted Date:-2021-12-08 23:28:06

The primary responsibility of a systems analyst is to

1.specify an information system which meets the requirements of an organization

2.write programs to meet specifications

3.maintain the system managers of the organization regularly

Posted Date:-2021-12-08 23:24:35

The purpose of designing an information system is to

1.modernize the functioning of an organization

2.reduce the number of people employed by an organization

3.provide operational, tactical and strategic information to efficiently manage an organization

4.improve the day-to-day working of an organization

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:18:21

The role of a system analyst drawing up a requirements specification is similar to

1.architect designing a building

2.a structural engineer designing a building

3.a contractor constructing a building

4.the workers who construct a building

Posted Date:-2021-12-08 23:27:15

To easily modify the existing system it is necessary to

1.use good software tools

2.use the best hardware available the system which can be changed at low cost

4.keep the programming team happy

Posted Date:-2021-12-09 00:11:46


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