MBA/MBA Business Environment MCQ Set 7 Sample Test,Sample questions

A country in the stage of traditional society is characterized by.

1.existence of traditional rule

2.non- existence of industries

3.predominance of agriculture

4.complete absence of literacy

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:02:29

A firm investing in a foreign country to distribute the products there in creation of

1.Asset seeking FDI

2.Backward vertical FDI

3.Forward vertical FDI

4.Distribution FDI

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:23:27

A mixed economy is necessarily a _______




4.planned, organized and controlled

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:17:44

Among the factors that affect the balance of trade figures are rates, taxes, tariffs and trade measures

2.the business cycle at home or abroad barriers and agreements

4.non tariff barriers

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:08:35

An ethical stance is the extent to which _____

1.An organisation meets the expectations of its stakeholders

2.An organisation will exceed its minimum obligations to stakeholders and society at large

3.An organisation meets regulatory requirements

4.An organisation respects the dominant religious beliefs of the country in which it operates

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:01:06

Business across several countries with some decentralization of management decision making to subsidiaries is

1.Global business

2.Multinational business

3.Transnational business

4.Multi-regional business

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:02:55

Free international trade maximizes world output through

1.Countries specializing in production of goods they are best suited for

2.Reduction in taxes

3.Increased factor income

4.Encouraging competition

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:05:07

Geographical indications specifies

1.Place of origin of goods

2.Special characteristics of the product associated with place of origin

3.Place and special characters of the product

4.Place or special characters of the product

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 01:55:33

In the PEST framework for environmental analysis what does the letter E stands for





Posted Date:-2021-11-09 01:56:46

Income and population are two variables that can be used

1.demographic segmentation

2.Behavioural segmentation

3.Lifestyle segmentation

4.Psychographic segmentation

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 01:56:21

Lower power distance countries are characterized by

1.relationships based on equality and informality

2.authority being accepted without question

3.managers being paternalistic

4.tall organizations structure

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:06:26

Macro environment consists of ________




Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:00:20

Market segmentation aims to

1.Identify the similarities and differences between groups of customers or users

2.Identify the similarities between groups of customers or users

3.Identify the differences between organisations and their competitors

4.Identify the needs and wants of all customers or users

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:07:40

No new investment in the host country is created in the case of

1.Greenfield FDI


3.Horizontal FDI

4.Vertical FDI

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:05:33

Non- verbal communication

1.includes written communication

2.has no place in international business

3.includes body language

4.should be learnt by business managers to communicate with foreigners

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:05:55

Product liability law relate to

1.Holding the manufacturer responsible for the damages caused to the genuine user of the product.

2.Liability of the customer for illegitimate use of the product

3.Liability of the seller for selling spurious goods

4.Holding the manufacturer for advertising the false information

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 01:54:46

Profit may be defined as

1.the difference between total wage costs and total sales revenue revenue from sales

3.the difference between total production costs and total sales revenue

4.the amount of money paid to shareholders as dividends

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:11:38

Social mobility is measured by

1.The extent to which an individual can move the strata to which he/she belongs

2.The promptness with which an individual accepts foreign assignments

3.The extent to which inter- caste marriage is encouraged by the society

4.The extent to which the society as a whole shifts its habitat

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:23:52

Terrorism in the host country is a ______

1.ownership risk

2.operating risk

3.transfer risk

4.general risk

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:14:16

The agreement in which a firm not only sells intangible property to an entity but also insist on the strict rules as to how it does business is ________



3.joint venture

4.strategic alliances

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 01:59:04

The Clean Water Act was passed in the year.





Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:22:40

The cultural environment of a country is best defined by which characteristics?

1.Degree of nationalism and economic community membership

2.Production process and standards of measurement

3.Standard of living and stage of economic development

4.Values, attitudes, heroes, myths and symbols

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:10:42

The cultural frames of reference include _____

1.National; organisational field; competitors

2.National; organisational; organisational field and functional/divisional

3.Unions; organisational; industrial

4.Organisational; colleagues; organisational field

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:21:17

The entry mode that allow firms to export their process know- how to countries where FDI is prohibited, thereby enabling the firm earn greater return from this assets is ____


2.consultancy exports

3.project exports

4.turnkey projects

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:13:43

The focus on increasing profitability and profit growth by reaping the cost reduction that come from economies of scale is standardization strategy

2.localization strategy

3.transnational strategy strategy

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:13:16

The following benefit is not expected from globalisation

1.Reaping the benefits of free trade

2.Better quality of life through choice of product

3.Better knowledge through compulsory education

4.Dissemination of information through new information technology

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:10:13

The following is not a feature of globalisation

1.Similar strategies are adopted by a firm in all markets

2.Only multinational firms engage in international business

3.Convergence of ideas and culture

4.Obliteration of national boundaries

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 01:55:09

The following represent major reactive motives for initiating export

1.ended sales of seasonal products

2.competitive pressures

3.overproduction/excess capacity and unsolicited foreign orders

4.All of the above

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:08:06

The goods and the services produced, priced and distributed by the government is

1.Market economy

2.Secular economy

3.Command economy

4.Mixed economy

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:12:24

The income level of residents in a country is indicated by

1.gross national income

2.gross domestic product

3.per capita gross national income

4.per capita gross domestic product

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:06:46

The largest oil- exporting country in the world is _______


2.Saudi Arabia


4.Great Britain

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:22:16

The legal system in India is based on

1.Common law

2.Civil law

3.Theocratic law

4.Hindu law

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:09:03

The new economic policy has components _____





Posted Date:-2021-11-09 01:59:54

The objectives of import duty is/are

1.To raise income for the government

2.To restrict imports

3.To encourage exports

4.To raise income and restrict imports

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:09:47

The origin of Common law is in ______





Posted Date:-2021-11-09 01:59:28

The protection against the new invention of a product or process for a defined period is

1.patent mark

3.copy right


Posted Date:-2021-11-09 01:58:02

The purpose of a SWOT analysis is to analyse ______

1.The business environment in which an organisation operates

2.The strategic capability of an organisation

3.The business environment and the strategic capability of an organisation relative to its competitors

4.External and organisational environments

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:20:48

The system of government in a nation is called the

1.Political system

2.Economic environment

3.Political environment

4.National policy

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 01:57:35

The total accumulated value of foreign- owned assets at a given period of time is

1.flow of FDI

2.stock of FDI

3.inflow of FDI

4.outflow of FDI

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 01:58:25

The transfer of the ownership of state property into the hands of the private individuals by the sale of state assets through auction is





Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:12:49

The value chain is composed of primary & support activities. Which answer below provides the correct components for primary activities?

1.Service, human resource management, marketing & sales, operations and outbound logistics

2.Marketing & Sales, Operations, Outbound Logistics and Service

3.Procurement, Firm Infrastructure, Human Resource Management, Technology Development and Marketing & Sales

4.Inbound Logistics, Operations, Outbound Logistics, Marketing & Sales and Service

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:01:36

To assess the potential of international markets, organizations generally compare nations with respect to

1.political regime

2.demographics, GNP/capita and 'consumer preferences'

3.consumer preferences

4.demographics, GNP/capita

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 01:55:58

Uneven distribution of natural resources the only cause for international business the major factor for international business among the major factors for international business not a cause for international business

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:23:04

What are the important external factors that constitute the economic environment of business?

1.economic condition

2.economic policy

3.economic system

4.economic condition, policy and system

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:20:10

What do you mean by DGTD?

1.Director General of Trade and Development

2.Director General of Total Development

3.Director General of Technical Development

4.Director General of Transport Development

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:00:43

What does the term 'third sector' refer to?

1.the high technology industries

2.the service sector

3.the voluntary sector

4.small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 01:57:11

Which of the following are positive reasons for internationalization?

1.Market diversification

2.Economies of scale

3.International competitiveness

4.All of the above

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:11:09

Which of the following is characteristic of the final stage of demographic transition?

1.High death rates

2.Rapid population growth

3.Birth and death rates that are close to each other

4.High birth rates

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:02:02

Which of the following statements in relation to the Five Forces framework is correct?

1.The framework assists in developing a broad perspective on the environment within which an organisation is operating

2.It is not appropriate in public sector management

3.The framework is a means of identifying the forces which affect the level of competition in an industry or sector

4.The framework identifies the major stakeholders of an organisation

Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:07:15

Which type of organization structure is characterized by departments or units dealing with specialized tasks?





Posted Date:-2021-11-09 02:12:04


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