A good objective should clarify the desired result; i) enable achievement to be measured; and iii) need not specify a time scale. Which of these statements is true?
1.(ii) only.
2.(ii) and (iii).
3.(iii) only.
4.and (ii).
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:13:15
A lack of clarity concerning what will happen is referred to as
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:52:35
A staff manager is someone who performs which of these functions?
1.Is responsible for recruiting and selecting new staff.
2.Manages the staff of the organization.
3.Deals with customer complaints.
4.Is in charge of support functions such as finance, personnel or legal matters.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:12:24
A supervisor in a car production plant is an example of what kind of manager?
1.Support manager.
2.Middle manager.
3.Top manager.
4.First-line manager.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:15:28
According to Mintzberg, all of the following are examples of the interpersonal roles of a manager, except:
2.Acting as a liaison.
3.Acting as a symbol.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:09:26
According to Mintzberg, which of the following is an example of the decisional roles which a manager plays?
1.Monitoring progress.
2.Acting as a spokesperson for the organization.
4.Allocating some of the resources of the organization.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:05:58
An important potential environmental source of change is
1.a new competitive product.
2.dissatisfied employee attitudes.
3.employee grievances.
4.a wildcat strike.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:33:07
Centralization refers to:
1.the decision-making process.
2.team decision-making.
3.the geographic dispersion of an organization.
4.the degree to which decision-making is concentrated at a single point in the organization.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:25:09
Concerning leadership concepts,
1.leader roles are unnecessary in organizations like Gore-Tex, where a self-leadership approach is used.
2.it is likely that a particular set of leader characteristics and behaviors do suit specific situations and groups.
3.it is likely that the need for leaders will decline in the 21st century due to more decentralized structures.
4.the military model of leadership will become more popular in the 21st century.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:53:06
Concerning organizational cultures,
1.a strong culture is a more productive environment.
2.a weak culture is a more productive environment.
3.the specific culture that contributes to positive effectiveness is well known.
4.the stronger the culture, the more influential it is on employee behavior.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:52:07
Considering extrinsic rewards,
1.money modifies behavior irrespective of the perceptions and preferences of the person being rewarded.
2.recognition is a powerful motivating reward for everyone.
3.upper management compensation is a strong incentive for lower-level employees to work harder.
4.benefits are usually based on longevity, not performance.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:59:03
Continued membership in a group will usually require
1.supporting the group leader.
2.conforming to group norms.
3.encouraging cohesiveness in the group.
4.developing a status system.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:59:45
Employees with relatively weak higher-order needs are ______________ concerned with variety and autonomy.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:33:43
Groups created by managerial decision in order to accomplish stated goals of the organization are called
1.formal groups.
2.informal groups.
3.task groups.
4.interest groups.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:57:47
Groups created by managerial decision in order to accomplish stated goals of the organization are called
1.formal groups.
2.informal groups.
3.task groups.
4.interest groups.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:57:48
How did Lawrence and Lorsch refer to problems of trying to cope with varied environmental demands from the same department or the same demands from different departments?
1.Integration failure.
2.Differentiation errors.
3.Insufficient collaboration.
4.Cognitive and emotional conflict.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:29:29
Identify the best definition of planning.
1.The core activity of planners and planning departments.
2.Setting an organization's objectives and the means of reaching them.
3.An integrated process, in which plans are formulated, carried out and controlled.
4.Devising ways of achieving the objectives of an organization.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:05:22
In order from lowest to highest, what are Maslow's five classes of needs?
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:53:43
It appears that
1.successful leaders tend to be more intelligent than followers.
2.there is no link between intelligence of the leader and success.
3.intelligence is the most important "ability" trait in leaders.
4.persons with creativity make the best leaders.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:54:08
Job involvement is best defined as a worker's:
1.general attitude toward his or her job.
2.loyalty to the organization.
3.identification with the job.
4.need to participate in organizational social activities.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:32:18
Motivation is important to managers because
1.it is a significant contributor to high performance.
2.it does not explain the differences in intensity of behavior.
3.it explains the differences in attitude and personality.
4.not all employees know how to use it effectively.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:50:35
Organization structures
1.affect group behavior more than individual behavior.
2.change rapidly to meet environmental and market changes.
3.contribute positively to organizational performance.
4.can be defined simply as activities that occur regularly.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:51:07
Organizational structure is made up of key elements. Which of the following is not one of these elements?
2.chain of command.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:29:58
Rosemary Stewart studied the pattern of managers' work. Which of these statements best represents the main conclusion of her research?
1.Most managers spent a lot of time thinking and carefully analyzing problems.
2.Most managers spent a lot of time working alone.
3.Managers typically work in a fragmented way, with many interruptions.
4.There was little variation between managers in their working patterns.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:16:25
Shared organizational values are
1.unconscious, affective desires or wants that guide society's behavior.
2.influenced by international values.
3.different for the various components of a diverse work force.
4.a myth
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:57:03
Specific procedures developed for repetitive and routine problems are
1.autocratic decisions.
2.programmed decisions.
3.easy decisions.
4.non-programmed decisions.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:51:35
The ______________ component of an attitude refers to an intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:27:32
The definition of communication implies that
1.communication is mostly verbal.
2.communication is mostly written.
3.most communication is in a vertical direction.
4.understanding must occur to have communication.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:40:36
The function of arranging the work to be done and assigning tasks, authority and resources to people so that they can work to support the purposes of the organization is known as:
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:18:11
The head of a division in a company who is responsible for the production, marketing and finance of this division and for generally ensuring its profitability is known as what type of manager?
1.First-line manager.
2.Functional manager.
4.General manager.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:13:42
The LEAST-used communication channel in an organization is usually
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:58:18
We identified several internal benefits of objectives, goals and a sense of mission. Which is not included?
1.Basis of control.
3.Basis of plans and decisions.
4.Basis to resolve disputes.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:14:28
We identify three levels of planning. What are they?
1.Strategic, administrative and functional.
2.Top, middle and bottom.
3.Operational, intermediate and strategic.
4.Headquarters, divisional and local.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:19:06
What is measurement ship?
1.Trying to agree low objectives so as to look good later.
2.Surveying by naval architects.
3.Concentrating on measurable targets at the expense of others.
4.Collecting too much performance data.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:17:21
What is the key word in understanding organization structure?
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:55:18
What is the more formal term for what is known as 'Plan B'?
1.A contingency plan.
2.A convergence plan.
3.A catastrophe plan.
4.A circumstantial plan.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:11:18
What is the planning horizon?
1.The time period within which uncertainty is very low
2.The maximum time for which managers can make plans.
3.The time ahead for which there is no information.
4.The time between making a plan and putting it into effect.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:10:03
What three problems commonly hindering successful planning did we identify?
1.Lack of planning expertise; little top management support; misuse of planning specialists.
2.Conflict among objectives; impossibility of measuring outcomes; confusion between means and ends.
3.Procedures unsuited to change; negative organizational culture; poor interpersonal relationships.
4.An oversized planning department; poor co-operation between managers and planners; managers with little time to gather information.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:06:37
When a marketing manager tells a subordinate that she did an excellent job when she made a presentation to senior management, what function is that manager performing?
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:07:16
Which approach recognizes that there is no optimal organizational design?
2.Boundless organizations
3.Flexible organizations.
4.Virtual organizations
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:23:10
Which of the following best explains why an employee behaves as s/he does?
1.The environment is the most important consideration in understanding individual employee behavior.
2.Both the environment and individual differences are important considerations in understanding individual employee behavior.
3.Neither the environment nor individual differences are important considerations in understanding individual employee behavior.
4.Employee personality and attitudes are primarily dictated by the environment.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:54:43
Which of the following functions may be described as 'task' functions?
2.Quality control.
4.all of the above.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:21:42
Which of the following is a strategy of job design that increases job depth by meeting employees needs for psychological growth?
1.Job rotation.
2.Job enrichment
3.Job enlargement.
4.Job enrichment and job enlargement.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:00:31
Which of the following is characterized by wide spans of control, little formalization, a low degree of departmentalization, and authority centralized in a single person?
2.simple structure.
3.matrix organization
4.team structure.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:20:09
Which of the following is true of managers in relationship to conflict?
1.Managers generally encourage low levels of conflict because it improves performance, up to a certain point.
2.Managers generally ignore conflict.
3.Managers attempt to eliminate conflict because the organization rewards them for keeping conflict out of their area of responsibility.
4.Managers show no consistent attitude toward conflict.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:43:05
Which of the following is true of managers in relationship to conflict?
1.Managers generally encourage low levels of conflict because it improves performance, up to a certain point.
2.Managers generally ignore conflict.
3.Managers attempt to eliminate conflict because the organization rewards them for keeping conflict out of their area of responsibility.
4.Managers show no consistent attitude toward conflict.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 05:43:40
Which of the following structures is characterized by centralization, high formalization, extensive departmentalization, and a limited information network?
1.mechanistic model.
2.organic model.
3.job structure model.
4.job satisfaction model.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:27:23
Which of these statements best describes the idea of the context within which managers work?
1.It represents factors both inside and outside the organization which influence the manager, and which the manager can also try to influence.
2.It is outside the organization, and therefore beyond the manager's control.
3.Managers can easily act without referring to vague external things like the context.
4.The context determines what the manager can do.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:11:54
Which of these statements best summarizes the meanings of management?
1.Only people in formal organizations act as managers.
2.Only a few experienced people in an organization are managers.
3.Management is both a general human activity and a specialized occupation.
4.Management is a job conducted by those with special training.
Posted Date:-2021-10-30 06:08:49