MBA/MBA Behavioural and Allied Sciences MCQ Set 2 Sample Test,Sample questions

________ is also known as emotion brain.

1.mid brain

2.lymbic system



Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:07:45

________ provides scaffolding on which the nervous system is built



3.cell body

4.glial cells

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:05:08

_________ consists the Brain and spinal cord




4.none of the above

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:28:55

_________ controls the voluntary movements

1.somatic nervous system

2.parasympathetic nervous system

3.sympathetic nervous system

4.autonomic nervous system

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:06:30

_________ leads to reduction of speech.

1.wernicks area

2.wernicks aphasia

3.brocas area

4.brocas aphasia

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:30:13

__________ regulates the eye movements.





Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:31:38

A condition passed from one person to another through sexual contact is

1.sexual dysfunction

2.sexual disorder

3.sexually transmitted disease

4.sexual disease

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:26:13

A protective layer that surrounds the axons of neurons is called as the

1.myelin sheath

2.cell body

3.axon terminal


Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:27:31

Chemical messengers secreted by ductless glands are called ______________





Posted Date:-2021-10-29 22:55:20

Cleaning up the synapse is called as ___________




Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:05:49

communication between neurons is ______________

1.synaptic transmission


3.action potential

4.resting potential

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:28:07

Damage to the ______________ may cause sensorineural hearing loss





Posted Date:-2021-10-29 22:50:35

Damage to which hemisphere could cause an inability to recognize and interpret emotions





Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:34:55

Estrogens and testosterone are steroid hormones and most likely bind to ______________

1.Cytoplasmic receptors

2.Membrane ion channels

3.Enzyme linked membrane receptors

4.G protein coupled receptor

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:26:49

Gonorrhea is treated by antibiotics. What problem has occurred recently in treatment:

1.antibiotics have been in short supply

2.the bacteria that cause gonorrhea have become resistant to certain antibiotics

3.people have developed an allergic reaction to certain antibiotics

4.all of the above

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:00:52

How do hormones from the thyroid and parathyroid regulate the calcium concentration of the blood:

1.Calcitonin lowers blood calcium; parathyroid hormone raises blood calcium

2.Parathyroid hormone lowers blood calcium; calcitonin raises blood calcium

3.Thyroxine and triiodothyronine together regulate calcium levels, as needs dictate

4.Both parathyroid hormone and the three thyroid hormones function to regulate blood calcium levels.

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 22:59:22

Kluver Bucy Syndrome causes impairment in.





Posted Date:-2021-10-29 22:45:35

Men need time to go back to the orgasm stage from the resolution stage called

1.recovery period

2.recoup period

3.refractory period

4.retrieval period

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:03:44

Most hormones of the endocrine system are regulated by a

1.Negative feedback mechanism

2.Positive feedback mechanism

3.Hormone-receptor complex

4.Hormone-gene complex

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 22:59:58

Primary motor cortex is a part of ______________ lobe.





Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:07:10

Psychoneroimmunology is a study of

1.Brain structure and function

2.Interactions among behavioural, neural , endocrine and immune process

3.Mental health and brain

4.Neuro connections and brains activities

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 22:46:20

Sensations of complementary colours we experience after staring at a stimulus of a given hue is

1.trichromatic theory

2.opponent process theory


4.colour effect

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 22:52:56

Signal detection analysis examines our ability to

1.tell the difference between blue and green

2.detect signals of distress in a baby

3.detect the latent meaning of a dream

4.separate true signals from background noise

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:36:48

Substantia Nigra is ______________ present in the mid brain.

1.a black substance

2.a white substance

3.a grey substance

4.none of the above

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:30:57

The activation of the immune system response by stress differs from the activation of that system by illness in that

1.Illness activates areas in the brain first

2.Stress increases the release of natural killer cells

3.Stress activates a different immune response that does illness

4.Stress activates areas in the brain first

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:10:19

The brain area that most directly controls the activity of the autonomic nervous system is the

1.Pituitary gland

2.Medulla oblongata



Posted Date:-2021-10-29 22:47:58

The brain stem consists of ______________ parts.





Posted Date:-2021-10-29 22:43:26

The feedback loop for production of sex hormone in women does not include


2.pituitary gland

3.follicle stimulating hormone


Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:01:45

The insertion of male genitalia into the female genitalia is





Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:03:09

The middle ear contains three little bones. They are

1.pinna, cochlea, cilia

2.incus, anvil, stapes

3.hammer, anvil, stirrup

4.tympani, ossicle, pinna

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:14:56

The optic nerve carries information to

1.the retina then the cortex

2.the retina then the thalamus

3.the thalamus then the cortex

4.the cornea then the retina

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:36:08

The optic nerve first reaches ______________ before reaching superior colliculus.

1.ventral cochlear nucleus

2.inferior colliculus

3.lateral geniculate nucleus

4.medial geniculate nucleus

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:15:43

The primary role of parathyroid gland is maintain homeostasis send hormonal signals to other glands regulate serum calcium levels receive hormonal signals from the hypothalamus

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:16:33

The process by which activities are started, directed , and sustained to meet a persons wants is called a





Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:32:19

The purity of sound is called





Posted Date:-2021-10-29 22:49:34

The risk for HIV/AIDS is tied to which behavior:

1.not wearing latex condoms during intercourse

2.injecting drugs

3.both a and b

4.spending time with someone who has AIDS

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:25:23

To be immune means what:

1.That you are infected

2.That you are bald

3.That you are protected

4.That you are more likely to get sick

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 22:47:15

Very deeep grooves in the brain is called as ______________





Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:29:36

Visual accommodation involves a change in which structure:





Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:35:32

What are the ossicles:

1.cells in the olfactory bulb

2.fine hairs on the basilar membrane

3.fluid- filled canals that extent to the cochlea

4.small bones in the ear

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 22:53:49

What are the ossicles:

1.cells in the olfactory bulb

2.fine hairs on the basilar membrane

3.fluid- filled canals that extent to the cochlea

4.small bones in the ear

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 22:54:30

What is a macrophage:

1.A type of white blood cell

2.A part of our immune system

3.A cell that destroys invaders

4.All the above

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:13:14

What is phagocyte:

1.The pouch in which a consumed cell or cellular debris has been contained

2.The cell that engulfs another cell or debris by phagocytosis

3.Any immune cell

4.A macrophage

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:34:02

What is the structural and functional unit of the nervous system:




4.axon hillock

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:04:21

Which of the following differentiates an antigen from an immunogen:

1.An antigen does not always elicit an immune system

2.An antigen is a foreign molecule

3.An antigen can cause the production of antibodies

4.Antigens are usually proteins or polysaccharides

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:33:12

Which of the following is a physiological function that is mediated by a hormone released by the posterior pituitary:

1.maturation of the egg and sperm

2.water retention

3.decrease in calcium levels

4.increase in thyroid hormone level

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 22:56:02

Which of the following is an example of the autonomic nervous system:

1.Peristalsis of intestine


3.Movement of eyes

4.Knee jerk

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:14:03

Which of the most common STI caused by bacteria:




4.genital warts

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:22:31

Which of the most common STI caused by bacteria:




4.genital warts

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:23:42

Which of these is a symptom of HIV infection:

1.swollen lymph nodes



4.all the above

Posted Date:-2021-10-29 23:02:30


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