______________ is used heavily when introducing a new product category.
1.Persuasive advertising
2.Inferential advertising
3.Reminder advertising
4.Informative advertising
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:02:45
`Merchandise allowance´ is a term for:
1.Display materials
2.Coupon costs
3.Free product
4.Postage costs
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:03:59
`Sixty´ is an advertising jargon, which means;
1.A broadcast commercial runs in one minute
2.Time slot for advertisements within a broadcast programme
3.Maximum time allotted for a broadcast commercial
4.An informational advertisement programme fro 60 secs
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:33:27
______ are programs in which a manufacturer pays a percentage of a retailer's local advertising expense for advertising the manufacturer's products.
1.Trade promotion programs
2.Consumer promotion programs
3.Cooperative advertising programs
4.Cause-related marketing programs
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:05:56
_______ are directed at a specialized and relatively small-sized target audience such as manufactures.
1.Trade Advertising
2.Industrial Advertising
3.Consumer Advertising
4.Corporate Advertising
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:12:13
_______ is an advertising strategy in which low-cost unconventional means are utilized to convey or promote a product or an idea.
1.Guerrilla Marketing
2.Alternate Marketing
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:27:20
________ are established to influence government policy, corporate policy or public opinion.
1.Marketing Group
2.Persuasive Group
3.Lobby Group
4.Agenda setting Group
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:26:31
_________ is defined as the number of different people or households exposed to an advertisement.
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:11:18
A /an ______________ reimburses a retailer for extra in-store support or special featuring of a brand.
1.Organizational allowance
2.Merchandise allowance
3.Case allowance
4.Finance allowance
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:43:22
A Boutique agency focuses on which aspect of advertising?
2.Retail clients
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:50:20
A broadcast station´s record of its programming is known as;
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:34:37
A graphical representation of the media schedule information is called a
1.A Timetable
2.A Media Plan
3.A Media Flowchart
4.Media Objectives
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:51:11
A great deal of advertising is directed towards ___________ of the target audience.
1.Measuring the reaction
2.Changing the perception
3.Generating a response
4.Getting the attention
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:59:19
A pitch is a presentation by an agency to a prospective client which outlines how they would approach and resolve:
1.Allocating advertising expenditures
2.Identifying strategic and creative issues
3.Using new media
4.Changing communications methods
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 06:01:17
A post-campaign analysis examines
1.media and digital tear sheets for accuracy
2.costs of magazines per insertion
3.the expenditures made in media and cross-checks them
4.rate cards and costs of broadcast commercials
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 06:02:44
A Pull positioning strategy targets:
2.End users
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 06:03:45
AAAA stands for,
1.American Agency for Advertising and Awareness
2.American Association of Advertising Agencies
3.Association of Advertising Agencies in America
4.American Advertising Agencies´ Association
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:08:53
AAAI represents;
1.American Agency for Advertisers Information
2.Advertising Agencies Association of India
3.Association of Advertising Agencies in India
4.Indian Association of Advertising Agencies
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:08:05
Advertising that is under complete control of the advertiser, rather than through some established medium
1.Direct advertising
2.Brand advertising
3.Display ad
4.Classified ad
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:04:57
Conflicts between different levels of the same channel of distribution are referred to as:
1.Horizontal conflicts
2.Vertical conflicts
3.Layer-based conflicts
4.Parallel conflicts
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:36:21
Copy testing is a specialized field of marketing research that determines an ad´s effectiveness among consumers. It is also known as,
2.Copy tasting
4.Primary testing
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:25:37
Cross Selling means;
1.Identifying customer needs
2.Convincing the customers of product benefits
3.Responding to questions and objections of customers
4.All of these
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:35:24
Define Audience turnover:
1.The income received from consumers
2.Annual turnover of an ad agency
3.Broadcast audience that changes over time
4.Feedback/responses from audience to an ad
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:30:49
Expand `TRP´.
1.Television Reader Poll
2.Television Rating Poll
3.Television Rating Points
4.Television Rating Programme
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:39:33
Expand ISA :
1.International Society of Advertisers
2.Indian Society of Advertisers
3.International Sort of Advertisers
4.Informative and Service Advertisements
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:06:55
Identify the largest advertiser.
2.General Motors
3.Procter & Gamble
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:42:17
Identify the theory not considered as theories of advertising;
1.Stimulus Response Theory
2.The Starch Model
3.DAGMAR Model
4.Cultivation Theory
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:23:24
If an advertiser wants flexibility, timeliness, good local market coverage, broad acceptability, and high believability, the advertiser will probably choose which of the following mass media types?
3.Direct Mail
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:37:27
In financial terms Return on Investment(ROI) is the calculation used to determine,
1.The increase in profit on an advertised product
2.The profit received for a particular product in share market
3.The relative efficacy of an ad campaign
4.The return of revenue after an ad campaign
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:49:27
One reason for NOT using the outdoor advertising is
1.Its local market focus
2.Its high costs
3.Its lack of visibility
4.Its inability to communicate short, pithy messages
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:44:53
POP advertising include ads on the following except:
1.Shopping carts
4.Cart straps
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:28:10
Printing to the edge of the page, with no margin or border:
2.Over Printing
3.Edged printing
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:31:36
The consumer´s conscious or unconscious decision to repurchase a brand continually,
1.Decision making
2.Consumption rate
3.Consumption strategy
4.Brand loyalty
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:10:24
The entire target population in a market research is called,
2.Stratified Sample
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 04:59:55
The first thing a reader notices in a printed advertising is the:
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:18:42
The last stage in the selling process is the ______________ stage.
2.Handling objections
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:38:23
The most important element of "marketing mix" is
1.The product
2.The price of the product
3.The advertising support
4.A sound distribution network
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:15:10
The research which enables an ad agency to better understand how consumers use a product or service is, ______________
1.Evaluative Research
2.Strategic research
3.Target Research
4.Consumer Research
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:21:30
The term marketing refers to:
1.New product concepts and improvements
2.Advertising and promotion activities
3.A philosophy that stresses customer value and satisfaction
4.Planning sales campaigns
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:29:03
What are the major advantages of an effective integrated advertising campaign?
2.Precision of message
3.Cultivation of customer relationships
4.All of the above
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:24:30
What is called as overrun?
1.The ad people working over time to complete an ad on time
2.The negative response of the audience when an ad exposed to them
3.Additional copies of an advertisement beyond the number actually ordered or needed
4.Trail run of an ad before it is published or broadcasted
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:32:29
What is the main objective of informative advertising?
1.To create selective demand
2.To stimulate primary demand
3.To keep the brand in consumers' minds during the mature stage of the product life cycle
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:13:22
What is USP?
1.A quality/ feature that is unique to a given brand/product which competitors cannot/do not offer
2.A quality/ feature that is not unique to a given brand/product which being advertise
3.A quality/ feature of a product/ brand similar to that of the competitor´s product/ brand
4.A product that can sell well
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:46:13
What termed as consumer perception?
1.Consumer receives, organize, and interprets an ad
2.Consumer identifies and compare a product with the competitors product
3.The attitude of a consumer to a newly launched brand in the market
4.The method of distinguishing products of different companies
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:41:22
Which among them is not a function of advertising;
1.Eliminate seasonal fluctuations
2.Creates confidence in quality
3.Balancing consumers´ budget
4.Increase in per-capita use
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:20:24
Which among them is not a function of advertising;
1.Increase sales
2.Increase in per-capita use
3.Increase the annual income of the consumer
4.Eliminate seasonal fluctuations
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:22:18
Which of the five major promotion tools includes press releases and special events?
1.Sales promotion
2.Personal selling
3.Direct marketing
4.Public relations
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:01:41
Which of the following is NOT an internal factor that influences the consumer product acquisition process include
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:29:56
Which type of advertising objective is the most important for mature products?
1.Informative advertising
2.Comparison advertising
3.Persuasive advertising
4.Reminder advertising
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:14:18
Writing text for advertisements is called:
1.Ad writing
2.Art Production
4.Copy writing
Posted Date:-2021-10-29 05:47:40